
新聞動態首頁 > 新聞動態 > 流體密封件展會順利召開
點擊次數:1984 更新時間:2014-11-27 返回



    馬來西亞、 中國臺灣、中國香港等30多個國家和地區的專業觀眾到會參觀。丁橡膠經硫化粘結在金屬骨架表面的橡膠密封圈。它固定在外圈密封槽里,并與內圈的外徑接觸,但接觸力較小,有較好的防塵密封效果。 單密封 這是一種內表面粘有丁晴橡膠密封唇的鋼制密封件,金屬部分與內圈外徑有小的間隙,橡膠唇與內圈外徑輕微接觸,這樣能更有效地防止塵埃,沙粒及其它物品侵入。 雙密封 里面裝有一件橡膠密封圈(結構同*種),外面再壓入一件與內圈外徑緊配合的金屬檔圈。工作時,金屬檔圈與內圈一起旋轉而形成防塵氣流,這種理想的迷宮結構,更好地保證了防塵效果。 三唇密封 牢固的金屬外殼與丁晴橡膠粘結形成一種特殊的密封。上海申弘閥門有限公司主營閥門有:減壓閥(氣體減壓閥,可調式減壓閥,波紋管減壓閥,活塞式減壓閥,蒸汽減壓閥,先導式減壓閥,空氣減壓閥,氮氣減壓閥,水用減壓閥,自力式減壓閥,比例減壓閥)、安全閥保溫閥低溫閥球閥截止閥閘閥、止回閥、蝶閥過濾器、放料閥、隔膜閥、旋塞閥、柱塞閥、平衡閥、調節閥、疏水閥、管夾閥、排污閥、排氣閥、排泥閥、氣動閥門、電動閥門、高壓閥門、中壓閥門、低壓閥門、水力控制閥真空閥門、襯膠閥門、襯氟閥門。三層橡膠唇與內圈外徑緊密接觸,具有很好的防塵,防水性能,適合于環境惡劣的工作場合及野外工作環境。 

1. End company users: Purchasers, technicians, engineers and related persons from the companies in the following fields are our target visitors.
a. Pollution prevention: environmental protection, desulfidation, emission treatment, air pollution control, water purification treatment, waste water treatment, pollution prevention and control, wastes disposal, etc;
b. Industrial companies: energy, electric power, thermal power, nuclear power, petroleum, natural gas, petrochemical, coal chemical industry, chemical fertilizer, fine chemical industry, daily chemical industry, coating materials; food, beverage, purified water, pharmaceuticals, health care products; metallurgy, light industry, paper making, textile, printing and dyeing, pottery and porcelain, cement, construction materials;
c. Projects: architecture, cooling and air-conditioning, building control system, fuel gas, fire fighting, swimming pool; municipal engineering, water, gas and heat supply, drainage discharge, flood protection, sprinkler irrigation, water landscape project; water supply and drainage, water purification, waste water treatment, air purification, environmental protection; industrial piping, pipeline system, energy transmission by long-distance pipeline; 
d. Machineries: engineering, hoisting and conveying machineries, agricultural, building and smelting machineries; transportation equipment, dockyard, rail vehicle, aviation, military industry; petroleum, electrical, power generating and printing machineries; light industry machineries, environmental protection and water treatment equipments, coating wire; general machinery, mechanical components, hardware, boiler, instrumentation; 
2. Foreign visitors: professional visitors to this Expo are expected to be from around 30 countries and regions, including Brazil, Canada, United States, Mexico, Germany, Russia, France, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Britain, Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria, The United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Qatar, Kuwait, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, China Taiwan and Hong Kong. 與本文相關的論文有:五陽煤礦應用閥門案例